How Would You Classify Your Knowledge of Pigeons?


I hope your enjoying the website, as much as I am enjoying making it! 🙂 and I really want to get to know you better, I also really want to get a good feel of your comfort level with pigeons this way we can continue to bring you more informative content that better suits your needs.

So in this weeks discussion of the week I would like to know…

If you had to classify your knowledge of pigeons how would you classify yourself? would you classify yourself as a beginner, intermediate, advanced or expert? and why would you classify yourself as that?

It would also be great if you can add into your comments how long you have been involved with pigeons as well for example 1year, 20years etc.

So go ahead and post your comments by clicking here.

I am really looking forward to hearing from you and getting to know you better!

Yours in the sport,

Discussion of the week, How Would You Classify Your Knowledge of Pigeons?

The Leading Online Pigeon Racing and Racing Pigeons Magazine – The Pigeon Insider

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230 thoughts on “How Would You Classify Your Knowledge of Pigeons?

  1. I have had racing pigeons since 1963, and with all the changes with one loft racing I learn some thing new every day.

  2. Been in this sport for about 45 years. Taking a break now, but available to assist budding stars and struggling fanciers. I have a very good knowledge of Pigeons, and have enjoyed reading your posts. Have taken note of many of your methods and advice, for this is never cast in concrete. Must stay fresh and relevant and be with the times 🙂

  3. I have been racing pigeons for 35 years thinks have changed so much in racing pigeons that now i classify myself as intermediate but still i enjoy my birds


  5. I started flying pigeons in 1947. and have been flying them ever sence except for the 11 years that I spent in service to our country. I have started my present club and combine in 1977. I have served on the board of directors of both the AU and WOW. As for flying I have always flown the double widowhood system. That was the best for me as a working man with a family. Durring that 40 plus year period I had the hornor of breeding and a pigeon AU 99 GSF 2497 BB Cock “Smokin Joe” who won every award available via the American Racing Pigeon Union. The main award was the Hall of Fame 2002. ( That is on record with the AU). That is the best of my career in this sport.
    Advice: When a pigeon flyer/breeder thanks he knows it all. And I have bred thousands of birds and flown hundreds of races and I am still learning.

  6. In 2011 my racing pigeons has took the first 5 places in 3 fed. races, the first 4 places in 4 combine races and always in the first 4 places in club races. So I say I am still learning and for me it never stop. Those who are all knowing I stay away from them and go totally deft just for them. They sound like empty tins and clanking of steel lids. Don’t get me wrong, I’m actually a very good listener to those who only win races and I’m always among them. Only listening not saying A word myself. Such as the Sun City $1 million Dollar race winner, The Comrade race winner, etc… You get my drift?

  7. I dont no this year so far .I won 7 out of 8 races 150 1st&2nd 200 1st&2nd 250 1st&2nd 300 1st &2nd 4001st &2nd 5001st &2nd 200 1st & 2nd . if you need help email me.

    1. Hello john i think you are doing very well with your pigeons i hope you will do better just to ask you i know i have good pigeons my problem is me as a am no able to condition my birds for racing my be you can help me thanks

  8. ihad pigeons in my teenage years four three years ,then seen take on tyson,got some more birds alltogether it has been 4 years ,an i am try to learn as much as possible,thanks for allthe info

  9. I have been racing pigeons since 2005. I have so much to learn and I enjoy learning about pigeons. I would classify myself as intermediate. The more I talk to the Pigeon experts the less I fill I know. There is continous learning in racing pigeons which I think is a good thing.
    I really enjoy the sport and I enjoy learning about the birds,

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