Pigeon Feeding Schedule Utilizing Raw Peanuts
Before breeding season
keep all breeders on a protein diet of 15-17% grain mixture and an assortment of various grains, 12-18 different types of seed, plus electrolytes, vitamins, minerals in the water 2 times a week. Give fresh grit daily.
30 days before breeding add 21-28% pigeon pellets or poultry pellets to the breeders diet. Place the pellets in a separate feed container, and give the birds free choice.
1 week before the eggs hatch add raw Spanish peanuts (#1 grade for humans) to the breeders diet. Continue to give the peanuts to the breeders until the breeding season is over. 1-2 pounds to 20-25 pair of breeders. Add more peanuts as the young birds get 14 days old.
Weaning period
(young birds 26-30 days old) 15-17% protein mixture, fresh grit and pellets 21-28% protein.
Settling and loft flying
continue the same feed as during the weaning period, plus add extra safflower and raw Spanish peanuts. Feed 2 times a day, morning and evening. 80% feed mixture (15-17%), 10% safflower, 10% raw Spanish peanuts, fresh grit and pellets.
Road training
feed 3 times a day, once in the morning 2 hours before road training, once mid-day, once evening. Feed the birds all they want to eat at each feeding. The birds are always sent to road training with plenty of fuel or gas in their tank. NEVER HUNGRY OR THIRSTY! 70% MIXTURE, 15% SAFFLOWER, 15% PEANUTS, FRESH GRIT AND PELLETS.
One week before the race series starts until the series is over, feed 3 times a day on a regular routine, 60% mixture, 20% safflower, 20% peanuts, grit and pellets. ALL THEY WANT TO EAT!
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Pigeon Feeding Schedule Utilizing Raw Peanuts by Bob Prisco
two times a day is enough or you might wear yourself out.
Thanks for the info on peanuts, Istarted using peanuts just after weining my young birds. I hope it helps my birds like you and others tell it will. My old bird team is on them also and they seem very healthy and strong. Thanks again!
When using peanuts it is best to microwave them for around 6 seconds this kills any rancidity in nuts
I can only feed once a day, because of work,and this 2011 was my first yr racing, and I won a 1st and in 200 out of 417 birds, and placed 4 in the 250 out 0f 356 and also came in the top 10 a number of time, and all with different birds, these races were in the mid florida combine. Feeding for me is a time when my birds are learning who is their shepard. I love to call them and let them know daddys home with food for them. I never feed before a toss. And 24 hrs before they should be arriving from a race.
I also started this year 2014 I only had 9 young birds I lost 2 so I had 7 I won two 1 2 4 and three5 and I put it down to routine and I feed morning and evening and garlic to times a week
thanks for the infor, good luck for 2011 for all of the fanciers.
Chirs thanks for the info GOD BLESS
Feed the birds one time a day. Make a young bird mix 10cans of conditioning feed,
4 cans of white kaffir, 3 cans of hemp, 4 cans of saffower, 1/2 cup rape seed, 3 cans of good pellets, 2 cups of brown rice 2 lbs of raw peants. Feed one oz per bird. When
birds start trainig go to 1&1/2 ozs per bird. When they are ready to train first
let them out for a fly then call them in with a cup of feed per 60 birds.
Then go training. This comes from a man that flys and dominates his club and combine. For more help go to my site glemserloft.com.
How would you feed for OB season
For example short middle and long distance
thanksfor the info good luck to everybody this year 2011 keep up the post and i keep learnin more thanks again
Because off work commitments I think feeding 3 times a day will be very difficult for a lot of fanciers.The peanut info make a lot of sence but what about hemp seed?
Feeding the birds before loft or training flights goes against everything that I have been told because the heavier the birds are the more difficult for it to escape or avoid a hawk attack.
I don’t feed before loft flying myself,you are correct.Feeding twice daily is the best method in my opinion,but we should each find our own program that works best for them.