Feeding Pigeons During Weaning- Feed & Medication Program For Young Birds in Training
Success with racing pigeons in a young bird racing series starts with good, healthy birds and a proper feed and medication program. Assuming you have good breeders that produce healthy, well developed young birds that potentially will handle the tough style of racing in Taiwan, the following feed and medication program starting at weaning age (26-30 days old) should assist to continue good health and success during the race series.
Before placing young birds (26-30 days old) in the flying section, it should be completely sanitized with loft disinfectant, along with all feeders and water containers at least 2 times, before you place the birds into the section. Keep the section free of all birds until the young birds are ready to move into the sanitized section. You should sanitize the Loft at least once a week until the race series is over.
WEANING PERIOD: Young birds 26-30 days old are removed from the breeding section and placed in the flying section with birds of all the same age. Feed and water should be placed in the loft at all times for the first 5 days.
FEED: 15-17% protein mixture (several different grains) at least 12-18 different types of seed. Fresh grit. Pigeon pellets 21-28% protein.
WATER: Contains vitamins, minerals and electrolytes with medication of Aureomycin, Sulmet and Ridzol.
MIXTURE #1. 1 gallon of water with the following:
- 1 teaspoon of vitamins
- 1 teaspoon of minerals / electrolytes
- 1 teaspoon of liquid Sulmet
- 1/2 teaspoon of aureomycin concentrate
- 1/2 teaspoon of Ridzol
Give the above mixture full strength for 5 days and free choice of feed.
If out of area birds are placed in the loft (birds bred at other lofts and shipped to your loft) they must be placed on the above schedule before being introduced to your birds. Give extra special attention to these new birds to see if they are adjusting to their new surroundings and are 100% healthy.
On 6th-10th days of weaning give the birds fresh water with 1 tablespoon of bleach or NOLVASAN in 1 gallon of water. Pellets and fresh grit at all times. Birds are feed 2 OR 3 TIMES a day with the same feed mixture, add extra safflower and few RAW SPANISH PEANUTS to each feeding and allow the birds to eat all they want at each feeding. Young birds in training should never miss a meal or be kept hungry or thirsty for any reason. There should be no stress placed on the birds because of food, drink or lodging. They will have enough stress during the race series. We need to provide a stress free environment in the loft at all times.
Healthy birds will like to take a bath 1 or 2 times a week. Place a bath pan in the loft on a nice sunny day with 2 tablespoons of bleach in the water. If the birds are not healthy or feeling just right, they will not take a bath or preen themselves. Healthy birds always keep themselves clean.
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Feeding Pigeons During Weaning- Feed & Medication Program For Young Birds in Training – Weaning by Bob Prisco
What difference does another country make?If your birds have been bred, hatched and fed by local birds that have raced and built immunity to their strains of bacteria etc,surely the young birds should develop immunity if taken care of,just like they do here in my country.The main cause of birds that have poor immune systems is from humans that pour medications down their birds throats.Haven’t you noticed that the more you interfere with nature the worse these strains of bacteria become.Nature has developed everything within your bodys defence system to help you fight what we come into contact with.It is through exposure to these organisms that immunity is developed.Therefore interference by us can only destroy what nature has deveoped.Everything alive on this planet has evolved over millions of years and has earn’t it’s place here.The strong survive,and the weak perish.Thats natures law.Interfere with this balance and you only have yourself to blame.Let’s talk about the “real”reason why some fanciers like to poor medications down their birds throats.It’s short sighted,greedy,selfish people that want to win everything the easy way.But all this medicating birds is actually destroying pigeon racing.There will come a time when all these antibiotic’s no longer work because bacteria have evolved and developed their own immunity to the drugs we have constantly been exposing them to.When that day comes God help us all.Chris,mate I read one of your articles where you said we should be good ambassadors for the sport.Well I challenge all the good,responsible,”long sighted” pigeon fanciers out there,next time you reach for the medicine cabinet ask your conscience “do my birds really need antibiotics” or can I give them somthing natural to help them fight and build strong natural immunity.Do right by your birds because they deserve it.
I don’t believe anyone could have said it any better.You are the man………..
you known ail your rigth ill been doing the same and after i stop giving things i thoth was for this for that things change thanks god my birds are on just good feed and clean water
What difference does another country make?If your birds have been bred, hatched and fed by local birds that have raced and built immunity to their strains of bacteria etc,surely the young birds should develop immunity if taken care of,just like they do here in my country.The main cause of birds that have poor immune systems is from humans that pour medications down their birds throats.Haven’t you noticed that the more you interfere with nature the worse these strains of bacteria become.Nature has developed everything within your bodys defence system to help you fight what we come into contact with.It is through exposure to these organisms that immunity is developed.Therefore interference by us can only destroy what nature has deveoped.Everything alive on this planet has evolved over millions of years and has earn’t it’s place here.The strong survive,and the weak perish.Thats natures law.Interfere with this balance and you only have yourself to blame.Let’s talk about the “real”reason why some fanciers like to poor medications down their birds throats.It’s short sighted,greedy,selfish people that want to win everything the easy way.But all this medicating birds is actually destroying pigeon racing.There will come a time when all these antibiotic’s no longer work because bacteria have evolved and developed their own immunity to the drugs we have constantly been exposing them to.When that day comes God help us all.Chris,mate I read one of your articles where you said we should be good ambassadors for the sport.Well I challenge all the good,responsible,”long sighted” pigeon fanciers out there,next time you reach for the medicine cabinet ask your conscience “do my birds really need antibiotics” or can I give them somthing natural to help them fight and build strong natural immunity.Do right by your birds because they deserve it.
Hey All,
Just want to thank everyone for their participation and posting your comments! Thanks :). I see alot of people questioning the article regarding bleach and medicating and I do agree with all of you, but I just have to add one thing, keep in mind that Bob races in Taiwan and writes according to that location. This may be the normal practices in Taiwan. I am going to try and follow-up with Bob and see if he can give us some more insight on his procedures.
Pigeon Racing varies greatly depending on your geographic location. Certain areas may even have different viruses and bacteria that need to be handled differently in different parts of the world.
I just wanted to add that and thanks again for posting your comments!! 🙂 you guys rock!
Yours in the sport,
I agree, I was talking to a bloke in Australia on facebook a few weeks ago about his worry about Paramyxo virus, there is an outbreak there and they have never heard of it there and so have never vaccinated against it there. In fact he never even new that a vaccination existed. It has existed in the UK since the 80s and compulsary to vaccinate against it every year.
I agree with you David,with all this sanitizing and antibiotic what will happen when these young birds goes into the races and come into contact with other birds that may not be as healthty as them, drinking from the same drinker.Now don’t get me wrong i believe in a clean loft,but what about the birds building up their natrual immune system also and helping them boost it with yogurt or products like it.What will happen when we start getting resistance against antibiotic in our loft.
Seems like a lot of systemic manipulation to me. Wouldn’t we want strong birds that can handle infections with little intervention?
The bigger Question for me is how do you train birds that have no motivation (hunger)? If your birds always have food then they are never hungry.
Once again, I see the TOTAL IGNORANCE of people who think that putting bleach into drinking water for pigeons is healthy! Our own government has put chlorine into drinking water to kill bad bacteria, and for the most part, it is such a low amount – while still being effective – that we can’t even taste it. Now, pigeon people think that ONE TABLESPOON of bleach in a gallon of water is a good idea!!! I spoke directly with a researcher at The Clorox Company – let’s get REAL information, straight from the horses’ mouth, is my motto – and here is what they say. 14 drops of Clorox Regular Bleach in a gallon of water will kill HIV virus, and everything up to TYPHOID (The Black Plague!). 14 drops, as demonstrated on my video show on PigeonTV.com, is about 1/4 of a teaspoon… During the show, I added 1 teaspoon to a gallon (tasted BAD), then two teaspoons (ALMOST VOMITED RIGHT ON CAMERA) and did not even dare to add three teaspoons, or ONE TABLESPOON to a gallon. I DOUBLE DOG-DARE MR BOB PRISCO TO ADD ONE TABLESPOON OF REGULAR BLEACH TO A GALLON OF WATER, AND THEN TAKE A 4 OZ DRINK AND KEEP IT DOWN. All we are doing, when we add bleach to the drinking water, is SUPER DEHYDRATING our pigeons, and that is not good, no way, no where, no how. Bob knows how to contact me if he has a problem with my challenge.
Aureomycin is an antibiotic effective in the treatment of a variety of bacterial infections. Bacterial and viral infections can be linked, as in bacterial infections actually feeding on pre-existing viral infections. Treating a straight virus with an antibiotic is not indicated. We want to boost the immune system, not crush it. Adding friendly bacteria (the kinds you find in yogurt) to the birds water on occasion helps keep healthy digestive tracts and adds strength and vigor.
I like the author’s recommendation of providing a dozen and more varieties of seeds, fresh grits w vitamins and minerals and fresh, clean water. They also take well to servings of fruits and vegetables shredded or in leaves and slices.
Greg, you can use Primalac (800-894-5396 ) for your good gut bacteria, works great. Also, don’t forget applecider vinegar,outstanding stuff 3 x weekly at least. 2TB per gal. helps with the gut as well.After all, we want naturally healthy birds,both these products help.
Why serve bleach to pigeons? Why medicate (if bleach is medicinal) birds that have not been diagnosed with any illness? Quarentine new birds. Medicate an ill bird with a specific remedy that targets a specific disease . Euthenize a quarentined bird if it should prove to be grossly infected and irrepairably comprimised. Fix what you can fix and “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”