Would you like the Pigeon Insider to go Print?
The Pigeon Insider was started in 2009 and over the past 3 years it has received some great reviews from it’s members. The Pigeon Insider was started to help the sport of pigeon racing and the fanciers who participate to connect with one another and share their idea’s and opinions, with the greater goal being to help preserve, promote and grow the sport of pigeon racing. I think so far we have done a great job in doing just that!, The Pigeon Insider has helped build awarness for our sport and since it’s start has brought in and educated 100’s of new fanciers all because of the fantastic community that sorrounds it. So thank you so much for helping us reach these goals and helping support the sport and The Pigeon Insider.
Over the years we have listened to your feedback about the Pigeon Insider (both good and bad) to help make it even better. We have done things well and we have also done things not so well and your feedback has helped us to continue to make improvements and continue to make the Pigeon Insider better and better. We have always viewed the Insider as YOUR magazine because we base all decisions off of your feedbacks.
Initially we launched the Pigeon Insider as a digital solution to help keep costs down and to create a dynamic experience for you, where you can not only read the posts but comment and interact with the other users as well. This has proved to be very beneficial and your participation and commenting is the reason the Pigeon Insider has become so powerful. We get emails all the time from brand new fanciers who are new to the sport saying that they have learned so much just from other fanciers comments to the blog posts. So for those of you who comment and share your knowledge we want to give you a huge thank you!. You may not realize it but your comments and insights are directly impacting and helping others and the sport as a whole.
Over the years one common feedback that we have received was that some fanciers didn’t really like that The Pigeon Insider was just digital and actually thought it would be more beneficial if it were a print magazine where they could take it with them and read it at their leizure. As I mentioned before, going print involves alot more overhead and we started the Pigeon Insider as a digital magazine to help keep cost’s down.
Now going into our 4th year and after receiving such great feedback so far we thought that maybe it was time that the Pigeon Insider took the next step and went to a print solution as well to better help you and we thought that a print magazine teamed up with the dynamic nature of our digital magazine would be a fantastic combination for both you and the sport. The idea is that we would turn the Pigeon Insider into a print magazine which would be delivered monthly right to your door and each article in the magazine would have a link which you would be able to login to the digital version and posts your comments and communicate with other subscribers about each of the magazine’s article’s. Again going print does require alot more overhead and we would have to charge a yearly subscription fee to make it happen, we were thinking of the yearly subscription fee would be around $50 per year. and with that subscription fee you would get The Print Pigeon Insider delivered monthly to your door as well as you will get free access to all of our current digital products as well as any digital products that we create in the future for as long as you remain a Pigeon Insider Monthly Subscriber. As well as other perks we have planned for subscribing members including, monthly webinars, champion fancier interviews and Q&A sessions just to name a few.
So the reason for this post today is because just like any other decision we make with the Pigeon Insider we want your input!. So we wanted to ask you,

Please use the poll above to post your vote and I want to hear from you so please post your comments in the comment section below this post with any questions or comments you have.
Thank you so much for everything and we look forward to making 2013 the best year yet for you and the Pigeon Insider!
Please let us know what you think!
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours in the sport,
Yes that would be good idea. Some thing to read on those long races.
Would there be a postage charge outside the US
What I would like to see is the 100% money back guarantee honoured
Yes, I would like an e book version. The downloadable books that I have bought from you are are my Nook now and I like it.
Hi Chris, I like your idea of having a printed magazine that go hand-in-hand with the digital for interactions. My eyes get strained easily reading from computer monitors. Printed ones is a great help for me. I will subscribe for it.
By the way Chris, I tried many times buying some digital books you are offering but never successful because whenever i type in my credit card info it does not go through. I hope you could do something about it.
All d best for 2013,
Pigeon Insider has been very helpful and to make it printable would be a great idea for not all of us have the internet readily to us all of the time
Hey Wes,
Yes I understand that, and I planned on putting in my own money as well to help supplement and serve the members. I just thought we had a great community here that would benefit from a print magazine and I have gotten alot of requests for one. However that is why I wanted to poll everyone before putting it into action to see if it were a good idea.
Thanks again Wes for your input I will deffinetly consider it.
Yours in the sport,
One thing to keep in mind is that every Pigeon Magazine in the U.S. has gone belly up.
The Digest is the only one to hang on , only because Gene puts his own money in to keep it going.
Both the printed and E-books have advantages. I would like the E-books better if there was a way that I could download any article that I wanted for future refference needs. The Printed form allows that but then you need to have space to devote to that. Just a thought.
e-Books are the way to go in 2013. I don’t have space for storing printed magazines or books.