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Training Racing Pigeons – Types of Tosses “Developing Leaders Instead of Followers”

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C is my choice too
I like C
Hi Chris,t-shirt C is very sentimental.I like it very much..Is it possible to add the phrase (Please do not shoot).Anyway its perfect.Thanks Chris,keep up your good work in the sport..
Hi Chris…my favorite t-shirt is D. However with just a picture of a bird will probably mean nothing to anyone reading it….My suggestion to get a message out there on pigeon racing on a t-shirt to read:
I’D RATHER BE PIGEON RACING – The Sport of Champions!
Good luck,
B,C.D. With ‘B” being the one I’d keep if ya held a gun to my head! But, those are my favorites! 2X please.
Hi Chris its a brilliant idea to promote our sport C give me the warm feeling (Yes their is no place like Home) Thanks Chris for all your effort you put in
I like c because there is no place like home.Where can we buy these shirts
Hi Chris they are all good but i like E and D best Brad i hope they come in 3 and 4 X Brad.
sorry I have just been looking at our birds work during the wars
I would like to see something regarding this
ITS NOW UPTO YOU and maby a photo of a plane ditching
sorry not meaning to steal your thunder
keep ut your good work regards peter