Here is a great video from Dr. John Lamberton where he shows you a quick and easy way to administer vitamins and minerals to your racing pigeons in the daily feeding of grain.
The Leading Online Pigeon Racing and Racing Pigeons Magazine – The Pigeon Insider
Lamberton is a quack. There I said it.
Can you put it in the water? If so how much per gallon?
A 9 year old video, look at the last comment (2012). I would think a doctor would have a more precise measurement. No thanks, I’ll stick with the (All flock pellets) when it comes to breeding. Has everything the birds need at a fraction of the cost.
Great video, helped clear things up for me
For the past couple years I have been using the same product and administering it the same, couple club members tell me it is not the right way, they get to much vitamins.
I’ll have to forward this video to them.