What Do You Think is The Current State of Pigeon Racing?

This weeks discussion of the week is…

What do you think the current state of pigeon racing is?

For example do you think pigeon racing is growing or dying and why, express your views and share with others your opinions on the current state of pigeon racing by placing your vote in the poll below then posting a comment in the comment section below this post.

What do you think is the current state of pigeon racing and pigeon keeping?

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644 thoughts on “What Do You Think is The Current State of Pigeon Racing?

  1. Well, here in South Africa and specific, Vredendal, the sport is growing. Costs like petrol and mealies are rising by the day.

  2. Hi there to all
    I can not agree more with Bernie here in South-Africa peopel who is keeping and whom is racing pigeons is far to fast on the decline,it is a sport who is whatching death in the eye if you can say it like that,For the main reason is that there is to many peopel that is having a fight becouse of and ofer the sport,the one don’t whant to mutch fame to go to the other persons loft and pigeons.And far to much babby politieks (gosips and back yard meatings),If we can sort that out we will have a greate and long on going sport πŸ™

  3. When I first started racing in this area in 1974 there were over 80 flyers and 8 or 9 clubs! Now there are only about 25-30 flyers and 2 clubs! That should answer the question it is definetely not growing, I don’t like the term dying but it sure has decreased a lot!

  4. I think its more on how its growing. Popularization verses expansion through new members. I think the sport has evolved to where the fancier prefer to compete in the one loft “money races” . Just look at how many new fanciers join a local club verses how many have left the sport for whatever reasons. If you are in the sport at least 5 years the chances are you are here to stay. One to three years chances are the fancier will leave the sport if they are not winning. I need to see clubs that has 200-300 members as a rule and not the exception. Then I’ll be convinced that the sport is expanding rather than being popularized.

  5. Currently the state of pigeon racing isn’t what it should be.

    In any sport type we need new comers to take the sport to the next level, but nowadays the participation of the young are very low. Aren’t the young people the future of the sport???? We need to encourage and improve at that level where ever we can to save this wonderful family sport.

  6. Having recently conducted a “Business” review of our association I ould suggest the hoby is very much alive but is self destructing at a rapid rate.
    THe hobby is at best an addiction and we all talk about the “Pigeon Bug”.
    However we as a group have not moved with the times and the rewards are now insignifacant with other hobbies and inteests.
    Our product has out lived is “Product life Cycle ” and needs a massive overhaul.
    There are basic marketing and business practices that are being ignored by those that have the ability to change , to the detriment and ultimate destruction of the hobby.
    The hobby is in a self destruct mode and does not need to be. Tat’s the sad bit.
    Regards Stephen C Nuske

    1. sorry, i don’t find any place to comment, that’s y i m comment on here.
      i think racing pigeon is one of an oldest game and it will never die. pigeon is a very necessary bird which attached with human livelihood very closely and i think every person or family should have at least a pair of homing pigeon. In my country it was used for fastest communication. i have homing pigeon from which i could make racer, high flyer and wild pigeon.
      i think racing game is spreading.

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