Racing Pigeons – A Short Documentary Here is a great short documentary showing Tom and Ian Dagnall at their pigeon lofts in Hesketh Bank, Southport. In this mini documentary you will look behind the minds of these two successful pigeon fanciers.…
Winning Pigeon Racing and Racing Pigeons Strategies – Pigeon Insider
The leading Pigeon Racing and Racing Pigeons Community
Racing Pigeons – A Short Documentary Here is a great short documentary showing Tom and Ian Dagnall at their pigeon lofts in Hesketh Bank, Southport. In this mini documentary you will look behind the minds of these two successful pigeon fanciers.…
Racing Pigeon Race Feed by Lavender Hill Lofts I have had a lot of people call and ask me what I feed my racing pigeons particularly my racers and I wanted to show you the mix that I feed. This…
*Video* The Homing Instinct – Documentary Two old friends and rival pigeon racers are preparing for the big race of the season. Set in the North East of England where Maurice’s allotment is home to the world’s only listed pigeon…
*Video* China’s Million Dollar Pigeon Sport Pigeon racing is a big business in China, Racing pigeons are the new thoroughbreds here, with birds auctioned for hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece and races netting millions for the championship flock. This…
Giving Iodine to your Racing Pigeons Lugol’s Iodine is necessary in avian nutrition and supplementation is desirable. It should be administered one (1) day a week at one (1) Teaspoon per gallon, and during the racing season I recommend it…
*Video* Giving Calcium to Your Racing Pigeons Calcium is very important for all animals, especially for racing pigeons during breeding. Here is a great video from our friends at Lavender Hill Lofts showing a very good Calcium additive that they…
Have you ever seen a surfing racing pigeon? if not now you have, check out the awesome video by clicking the video below.
*Video* One Eye Cold Treatment for Racing Pigeons Here is another great video from Lavender Hill Lofts showing how they treat One Eye Colds in their racing pigeons. If you don’t have Tetracycline ointment to treat a one eye cold…
*Video* Grading Baby Racing Pigeons Here is another video from Lavender Hill Lofts on grading babies. It is important that you grade your babies before banding age. Look for abnormalities, signs of disease, lack of vigor etc…, Remove those that…
*Video* Weaning Baby Racing Pigeons Here is another great video from Lavender Hill Lofts on how they wean their babies. In this video your going to see how they use other adult pigeons to help them wean the youngsters. The…
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