Racing Pigeons on The Celibacy System It’s hard to find information on a true celibacy system. When one thinks of widowhood, dual widowhood and the natural system, you will realize that all are utilizing the urge to mate and…
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Racing Pigeons on The Celibacy System It’s hard to find information on a true celibacy system. When one thinks of widowhood, dual widowhood and the natural system, you will realize that all are utilizing the urge to mate and…
Old Birds Old bird systems are designed around motivation. Cocks and hens are motivated by their love for home (security, food, shelter), their nest box, their mate, their eggs, etc. Natural system This system allows for the birds to mate…
Let’s Talk About Systems…(part 3) The Racing System: One has many options as to which racing system to use and there are these and perhaps more to be considered. For years it was strictly natural which was racing to the…
Let’s Talk About Systems…(part 2) The quality of our pigeons is always NUMBER 1. Without athletes, we can never determine how good or bad a system is. I have witnessed many people that believe because they are trying a new…
Let’s Talk About Systems… (part 1) As we begin this subject I checked a dictionary and this is how the word “System” was explained! “A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.” Every one of us…
During this time of year in the sport, our attention turns to the old birds, especially to their health care and to their motivation for racing. In this article we are going to talk about a few things that you may…
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