Important Pigeon Vitamins

The Important Pigeon Vitamins Vitamins are chemical compounds that are natural components of food. Found in minute quantities, feeding vitamins to the pigeon are essential for normal metabolism and health. The vitamins necessary for the performing pigeon are divided into…

Antioxidants & B Vitamins in Pigeons

Antioxidants & B Vitamins in Pigeons In the modern time of pigeon racing, flyers have been aware of the facts that there is more to feed than just grain, grit & cereals. Certainly, grains are an excellent source of energy,…

The Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar Real apple cider vinegar is a natural substance, but only if from a bio farm. It strengthens the immune system, as it is an excellent source of trace and micro elements. However, this is…

Pigeons with Blue Tongue or Blue Tissue

Pigeons with Blue Tongue or Blue Tissue I received a few questions about fanciers having pigeons with blue tongues or blue tip tongues so I wanted to address it with a short post. The blue tongue can mean many different…


Electrolytes? Yes sir! Fanciers often ask me ‘what are electrolytes?’ Are they really useful and when  should I give them to the birds? Since it seems to intrigue so many I will give a short explanation but will not go…

Thoughts on Moult Part2

Thoughts on Moult Part2 In the previous article (Thoughts on Moult Part1) I expressed my doubts on many additives that help pigeons through the moult. But do you know in which I believe a bit so far? Sedochol! A firm,…

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