Posts created 429

Race Feed Recipe For Racing Pigeons

Racing Pigeon Race Feed by Lavender Hill Lofts I have had a lot of people call and ask me what I feed my racing pigeons particularly my racers and I wanted to show you the mix that I feed. This…

October In The Loft

October In The Loft October is the time when fanciers all over the United States begin and enjoy the young bird racing season. What happens in the lofts is dictated by geography. The racing season has ended in the northern…

September In The Loft

September In The Loft September is the month where fanciers enjoy the fruits of their hard work they have put in. It is the month where young birds are evaluated from the past breeding season. This is the time where the quality…

*Video* The Homing Instinct – Documentary

*Video* The Homing Instinct – Documentary Two old friends and rival pigeon racers are preparing for the big race of the season. Set in the North East of England where Maurice’s allotment is home to the world’s only listed pigeon…

Pigeon Racing In August

Pigeon Racing In August During the month of August a number of racing fanciers give more attention to their young birds. This stage is very crucial yet enjoyable. On the other hand, we should never forget that breeders and old…

*Video* China’s Million Dollar Pigeon Sport

*Video* China’s Million Dollar Pigeon Sport Pigeon racing is a big business in China, Racing pigeons are the new thoroughbreds here, with birds auctioned for hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece and races netting millions for the championship flock. This…

*Video* Giving Iodine to your Racing Pigeons

Giving Iodine to your Racing Pigeons Lugol’s Iodine is necessary in avian nutrition and supplementation is desirable. It should be administered one (1) day a week at one (1) Teaspoon per gallon, and during the racing season I recommend it…

*Video* Giving Calcium to Your Racing Pigeons

*Video* Giving Calcium to Your Racing Pigeons Calcium is very important for all animals, especially for racing pigeons during breeding. Here is a great video from our friends at Lavender Hill Lofts showing a very good Calcium additive that they…

Using Fostering in your Breeding Strategy

Using Fostering in your Breeding Strategy by Domanski Family Loft I was half tempted to entitle this section “Embryo Transfer”. In horses, embryo transfer is the procedure of artificially inseminating a mare from sperm from a specific stallion. Once the…

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